Granville High School Film Club Excels

With an award winning film under their belt, students in Granville High School’s film production club are already busy on their next project.  

At a recent after-school meeting of GHS Film Production, seniors Taylor Kitchen and Burke Abbott (Co-Presidents) took the lead brainstorming a planned documentary on the Granville Schools’ Land Lab. Mason Knight (Vice-President) and Robert Gangner (Secretary), weighed in on a host of production issues: which elements of the Lab to focus on, what time of day to shoot, how to plan for weather, and how to use interview voiceovers and time-lapsed clips to showcase the Lab’s beauty.

Students involved in GHS Film Production have reason to be excited and confident about their next project. This past year, they partnered with Granville Kiwanis to produce a film highlighting the work of K-Kids, a service club for elementary school students. Creating the film posed a number of challenges: interviewing young, camera-shy GES students, gathering enough usable content, and editing nine minutes of footage down to one and a half minutes. Their work paid off. The film won the Kiwanis International 2017-2018 Club Promotion Best Video Contest. (You can find the film by searching “Granville K-Kids” on YouTube).

Students are quick to add that new equipment purchased with a grant from the Granville Community Foundation has made a big difference. A new Apple Macbook Pro relieves the students from having to use their personal computers and gives them access to the latest in film editing software.