Donate to Granville Community Foundation, Charitable Giving in Granville Ohio, Legacy Giving & Estate Planning, Securities & Stock Donations

Planned Giving Opportunities

If you are considering including the Granville Community Foundation in your estate plans, we would be happy to serve as a resource for you and your advisors, with no obligation. If you have already made this commitment, we encourage you to contact us to share your plans.

The Frazier/ Lattimer Legacy Giving Society

The Frazier/Lattimer Society recognizes the generosity of individuals who have designated the Granville Community Foundation as a beneficiary in their estate plans. This distinguished group of donors demonstrates a remarkable commitment to the future of our community. Whether through a will, trust, retirement plan, or life insurance, each gift—regardless of size—helps ensure a vibrant, thriving Granville for generations to come. We are deeply grateful for their lasting impact and unwavering support.

The Society is named in honor of Carl Frazier and Harriet Lattimer. Mr. Frazier, a founder of the Foundation in 1971, was admired for his longstanding and deep commitment to the Granville community. Mrs. Lattimer, a longtime Granville resident, made an extraordinary gift through her estate in 2006 that transformed the Foundation’s ability to serve the citizens of Granville.

How to Include The Granville Community Foundation

Donate to Granville Community Foundation, Charitable Giving in Granville Ohio, Legacy Giving & Estate Planning, Securities & Stock Donations

When considering an estate provision for The Granville Community Foundation, you have several options. Here’s how to name the Foundation as a beneficiary:

1. In a Will or Trust: Use the following legal designation: “The Granville Community Foundation, a nonprofit organization, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Ohio, with a principal business address of PO Box 321, Granville, Ohio 43023-0321.”

2. On Life Insurance or Retirement Plans: Include as much of the above information as possible in the beneficiary designation form. Consult your plan custodian, insurance representative, or professional advisor to ensure accurate completion.

The Frazier/Lattimer Society offers:

  1. Public Recognition: Acknowledgment in annual reports and donor listings.

  2. Exclusive Networking: Special social and networking opportunities with like-minded supporters.

  3. Legacy Fulfillment: The satisfaction of seeing your charitable impact realized.

  4. Inspiring Others: Encouraging others in the community to contribute as well.

  5. Anonymity Option: You can remain anonymous while still making a meaningful contribution.

Considering Planned Giving?

If you've included the Foundation in your estate plans or wish to explore doing so, we’re here to help. Contact our Planned Giving Chair using this form to explore gift options, or to share your commitment.